List of Hoffman Bikes Cirrus AL BMX models

Model Year of production Category
Cirrus AL 2009 BMX
Cirrus EL 2009 BMX
Cirrus EL 2008 BMX
Cirrus IL 2009 BMX
Cirrus IL 2008 BMX
Condor 16 2005 Freestyle
Condor 16 2004 Freestyle
Condor 18 2004 Freestyle
Condor 18 2005 Freestyle
Condor 18/20 2003 Freestyle
Condor EC 2009 BMX
Condor EC 2008 BMX
Condor EL1 2005 Freestyle
Condor EL1 2006 Freestyle
Condor EL1 2004 Freestyle
Condor IL1 2004 Freestyle
Condor IL1 2005 Freestyle
Condor PL1 2006 Freestyle
Condor PL1 2005 Freestyle
Condor PL1 2004 Freestyle
Dekko AL 2009 BMX
Dekko AL 2008 BMX
Dekko PL 2009 BMX
Dekko PL 2008 BMX
Disrupter EL1 2004 Freestyle
Disrupter EL1 2006 Freestyle
Disrupter EL1 2005 Freestyle
Disrupter EL1 INT 2004 Freestyle
Disrupter EL2 2006 Freestyle
Disrupter EL2 2005 Freestyle
Disrupter EL2 2004 Freestyle
Disrupter IL1 2004 Freestyle
Disrupter IL1 2006 Freestyle
Disrupter IL1 2005 Freestyle
Disrupter IL2 2005 Freestyle
Disrupter IL2 2004 Freestyle
Disrupter PL1 2004 Freestyle
Disrupter PL1 2006 Freestyle
Disrupter PL1 2005 Freestyle
Hoffman 900 2003 Freestyle
Mantra 18 PL 2009 BMX
Mantra 18PL 2008 BMX
Mantra AL 2008 BMX
Mantra AL 2009 BMX
Mantra PL 2009 BMX
Mantra PL 2008 BMX
Momentum EL1 2004 Freestyle
Momentum PL1 2004 Freestyle
Pro Alias 2003 Freestyle
Pro EP 2003 Freestyle
Resistance 2003 Freestyle
Rhythm 16 2006 Freestyle
Rhythm 18 2006 Freestyle
Rhythm 18 2005 Freestyle
Rhythm 18 2004 Freestyle
Rhythm EL1 2006 Freestyle
Rhythm EL1 2005 Freestyle
Rhythm EL1 2004 Freestyle
Rhythm EL2 2006 Freestyle
Rhythm EL2 2005 Freestyle
Rhythm EL2 2004 Freestyle
Rhythm IL1 2006 Freestyle
Rhythm IL1 2005 Freestyle
Rhythm IL1 2004 Freestyle
Rhythm IL2 2005 Freestyle
Rhythm IL2 2004 Freestyle
Rhythm PL1 2006 Freestyle
Rhythm PL1 2005 Freestyle
Rhythm PL1 2004 Freestyle
Scarab 16 2009 BMX
Scarab 16 2008 BMX
Scarab 18 2009 BMX
Scarab 18 2008 BMX
Scarab AL 2009 BMX
Scarab EL 2009 BMX
Scarab EL 2008 BMX
Scarab IL 2008 BMX
Scarab IL 2009 BMX
Star Alias 2003 Freestyle
Star EP 2003 Freestyle